Sandtray/Sandplay Therapy

Sandtray therapy encompasses psychotherapeutic approaches utilizing sand, water, and miniature figures. Through this versatile and multisensory process, clients construct a three-dimensional "world" within a sand tray. This method allows individuals to tap into their subconscious, accessing implicit thoughts and images beyond the realm of everyday awareness. Through playful exploration, deeply held beliefs and resources may surface, offering insights into the inner landscape of the psyche. Implicit images, often associated with traumatic events, are primarily encoded in the right hemisphere of the brain, making sandtray therapy a valuable tool for addressing and processing such experiences..

Jennifer was fortunate to have had mentorship and supervision by Roxanne Rae LCSW, who is considered one of the most skilled and influential Sandtray Therapists. I strongly encourage those who are interested reach out to her for training.